What Up

By Lars

Have A Listen, Dude!

Blow Chunks Ballet download

Blow Chunks Ballet — the most famous song in the set list for The No Talent Ass Clowns. It’s become a drinking anthem for college students worldwide. Today, it’s hard to find a frat party that doesn’t have Blow Chunks Ballet blaring from the speakers at some point during the night with wasted students shouting the chorus at the top of their lungs.



The No Talent Ass Clowns

The No Talent Ass Clowns (L to R): Lars Gunblade, Vas Defrens, Carnage Smith, Joey Van Dundro


Excerpts from an Interview with Ass Clowns singer, Lars Gunblade (courtesy of Cindi Ulrich of Rock Wasteland Magazine, Nov. 2010):

Rock Wasteland Magazine - November 2010

An interview with Lars Gunblade

Cindi: What is a rock band like the No Talent Ass Clowns all about?

Lars: You know… stuff.

Cindi: Did you rip off the name of the band from the movie “Office Space”?

Lars: No. The No Talent Ass Clowns formed in 1994… or maybe 1995. It’s all kinda hazy, you know? “Office Space” was released in 1998. Case closed. I ain’t no friggin’ Michael Bolton. We should sue those bastards.

Cindi: You’ve said you’ve been with 20,000 women. Is that true?

Lars: No, 30,000 women. After this interview, it’ll be 30,000 and one.

Cindi: No, it would still be 30,000. We hooked up after the MTV Music Video Awards last year, remember?

Lars: Oh, yeah, you’re right… how could someone forget a smokin’ hot chick like you?

Cindi: Pretty easily apparently. Let’s get back on topic… on your debut CD, Behind the Times, you sang about rim jobs and spankings on almost every track. Is there a theme here?

Lars: No, not really. I was just writing about what was happening to me at the time.

Cindi: Rim jobs and spankings?

Lars: I wish!

Cindi: Why do you tase audience members at shows?

Lars: It’s fun. Yeah, a couple of dudes have died but, hey, that’s rock and roll.

Cindi: You’ve had a well-publicized fight with Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters for many years. What’s the latest on that?

Lars: Dude’s a jerk. It’s so bad that if somebody mentions my name to him in an interview, he pretends like he’s never even met me!

Cindi: Some say you are a bad band and it’s on purpose. Are you really just a parody band?

Lars: Total BS. We’re as real as rock and roll. How’s that for an answer?

Cindi: What’s the deal with your new solo CD? Are the Ass Clowns finished?

Lars: Who in the f**king band put you up to that f**king question? I’m so out of here.

Lars Gunblade ad

No Talent Ass Clowns groupies

Consumption Auditorium



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