Rock band The No Talent Ass Clowns recently purchased what many call the worst wine ever made…
“Chateau de Twat” produced by the Chateau de Twat winery in Western France, is known as the worst wine produced anywhere in the world. Yet, the No Talent Ass Clowns stand behind this French red wine.
Singer Lars Gunblade finds himself particularly enthused about the new venture. “We’ve been backing some really shitty products lately so this is a good change of pace. Every week, I drink cases of this shit. To be honest, it’s awesome. I frankly don’t see how anyone could say that this is the worst wine ever. I mean, how could you really know that?”
Band Rejects Idea That This is the Worst Wine Ever
Guitarist Vas Defrens likes the effects of binge-drinking “Chateau de Twat” after concerts. “It really kicks your ass,” said Defrens. “There’s a drawback, to be honest. If I drink too much ‘Chateau de Twat,’ I tend to shit myself after I pass out. I don’t necessarily mind that at all. Unfortunately, my pants can’t be laundered. For some reason, it eats right through any fabric it touches. That gets expensive.”
Chateau de Twat has had an infamous history of poisoning its drinkers. When Philippe Nouveau opened his winery in the late 1800s, many nearby villagers died from drinking it. As the years went by, Nouveau was nearly lynched dozens of times. Eventually, however, he corrected the formula for making his wine. Now, the number of deaths from drinking it has decreased considerably.
Since 1954, several wine aficionado magazines routinely label “Chateau de Twat” as the worst wine ever. According to wine expert Johnny Tyler, “Chateau de Twat is the shittiest shit ever poured into a bottle and sold to the public. Worst wine ever is almost an understatement.”
The No Talent Ass Clowns plan on devoting more and more time to their wine venture. “We have a lot of problems with the Feds and taxes and shit. If this takes off, we may go to France and hide out there. Let’s face it, French chicks are hot so why not?”