Rock Wasteland‘s January 2013 issue is not going to be one of Lars Gunblade’s favorites. The No Talent Ass Clowns front man is the subject of the feature article and it’s not pretty.
Entitled “Lars Gunblade: Major Rocker… Or Major Dick?,” the article by Chuck Chadwell presents Gunblade as a talentless egomaniac who is guilty in the deaths of half a dozen fans as well as the Ass Clowns’ former Ass Clowns drummer Vulgar Smith. To add insult to injury, Chadwell says that Gunblade had sex with manager Jerry Gold to secure the band’s contract in 1995.
“Evidence has been buried,” writes Chadwell. “Certain that he is above the law like Bob Geldof, Gunblade operates in a fantasy world where murder is just another useful skill set.” Chadwell, a former writer for this website, had a falling out with Gunblade in 2010 and obviously penned this article as revenge.
“It’s bullshit,” said Gunblade at a press conference on Wednesday. “Yeah, some people I’ve tased at concerts have died but I didn’t kill Vulgar. And even if I did, how can anyone prove it? I’m pissed at Rock Wasteland. They’ve always carried water for us and printed fawning articles about the band. Why the change? Did someone forget to send them a check this month or something?”
Gunblade concluded his comments by mentioning manager Jerry Gold. “Look, we’re just good friends, OK?”