Rock star Lars Gunblade has turned filmmaker with the first of his “10-Second Stories” on YouTube:
Gunblade recently told reporters that he’s a bit bored with making music so he started toying around with film-making. “It’s a pretty easy thing making films really,” said the controversial rock star. “And truthfully, I don’t have the attention span to watch a two-hour movie. That’s why 10-Second Stories was born. If you’re drunk or wasted, it’s easy to concentrate on 10-Second Stories, am I right? Of course I am.”
With the rest of the band on hiatus, Gunblade holed himself up in a video editing suite in Kings Nose, NJ for nearly an hour recently trying to craft the first of his 10-Second Stories. “I went through about three dozen drafts of the story,” said Gunblade. “I am always cognitively impaired, due to various chemicals and such. That makes a project like this a bit more difficult to finish.”
The rock star readily admitted that film-making was a pleasant diversion from the music scene, which had seen himself and band-mate Vas Defrens plotting to kill each other in police surveillance tapes. “Yeah, that sucked. Vas said he’d like to kill me so I figured it was time to lay low and try my hand at something else until he loses interest.”
10-Second Stories Could Become a Big Thing, says Gunblade
Gunblade enjoyed the film-making process so much that he’s now producing a number of 10-second stories. “Each one will be a profound statement. Better than any other films ever made. I know that sounds egotistical but it really isn’t. If it’s better than every other film, oh well. I’m not going to intentionally make bad films just so other film-makers don’t feel threatened. I don’t play that game.”
The first 10-Second Stories project hasn’t gotten many views, which doesn’t have Gunblade worried. “I don’t care how many people see these videos. The right people will see them. That’s what f*cking matters, man!”